Sunday 24 June 2012


                                                      Final Major Project – Pattern 
                                                               Hayley Young

When I wrote my statement of intent at the beginning of the project, I aimed to create a garment based on my experience in Marrakech using appropriate colours and patterns.  I wanted to use drapery as an element as well as laser cutting and etching as an interesting way of using pattern. As I started my project and tried to realise my ideas I came across a few problems which made me change my mind and develop my ideas into something I could work with.
I was certain I was going to use laser cutting to create my pattern on the final garment so I developed the design on Illustrator and found a company where I could laser cut. Once I got there and tried my pattern on the fabrics I had selected, I realised laser cutting would not work in the way I wanted it to. But I refused to waste the time and effort I had put into it and made an A2 laser cut paper stencil of my design which was then used to heat transfer onto my silk and create my light boxes.                                                                                                I also faced a few problems with making my patterns and garments. I made my own patterns by initially making paper toiles and then calico toiles, but I could not figure out how to make the kind of hood I wanted. I finally managed after about 5 hours of making paper patterns. This was all to be tested again as I tried to make the garments out of the proper fabric. It was so stringy, that every time I cut a curve it all came apart. I then had to transfer my sewing machine to the floor and literally sew centimetre by centimetre and use a scrim fabric as backing to keep it together. This worked for the dress but the hood would not be as good or neat I wanted as I could not keep it together. 
When looking back and thinking about what I could have improved on I think I should have researched my fabric better and found out what would work with laser cutting. I should have looked further into cutting techniques to try and stop my fabric from falling apart. I think I did quite well with time management and roughly stuck to my weekly plan, but I was delayed slightly due to the problems that came up.                                
Even though my detail Ideas changed I feel like I stuck to the basic plan within my statement of intent and managed to create the look I was trying to get. I stuck to my colour palette and the natural fabrics I wanted to use. I put a lot of effort, time and thought into the details and tried my best to do as much as I could independently. I would have been happier with the result if the stitching and cutting were a bit neater and the laser cutting had worked, but I am happy with my finished piece and am proud of what I have learned from the problems and the experience as a whole. 

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